Tree Planting Ceremony in Windsor Ontario
October 7th, 2024
Kyber was one of the proud sponsors for the OACFP and had the pleasure to be apart of the tree ceremony with Canadian Trees for Life.
Trees for Life is a national charity with a mission to create a healthier, happier Canada by planting native trees where we live, work and play.
The City announced a partnership with Trees For Life, and the Ontario Association of Cemetery and Funeral Professionals (OACFP), to plant 650 new trees at two parks.
Kyber Columbarium & Construction was the Proud Sponsor of the OACFP Tree Initiative and attended the Event at the Elizabeth Kishkon Park on Banwell.
The Unforgettables
The Unforgettables is a charity that helps families who have lost a child to a life limiting illness. Many of the families that it helps could be considered the working poor. I first learned about The Unforgettables through the OACFP and their annual charity golf tournament in Ontario. The proceeds from this tournament have helped so many families in the Toronto chapter and continue to do so.
The Ottawa chapter, National Capital Region Chapter, has a $500,000 endowment fund to support bereaved and financially traumatized families. They help an average of 12 families per year. Seeing the success of these chapters compelled me to start the Southwestern Ontario Chapter. We have assisted several families in The area and hope to grow the fund to support many many more. Kyber will be donating a portion of the proceeds of each sale to a local chapter.
I was lucky to meet the Unforgettables founder Timothy Evans at the CMAC conference in Temecula, CA this year. He was wearing an Unforgettables shirt and was so excited to hear that Ontario now has three chapters, Ottawa, Toronto and Southwestern Ontario. It is his dream to have chapters across the US and Canada to help as many families as possible. The unforgettable has helped over 5000 families since its inception and continues to grow. If you have any interest in helping or starting a chapter, please contact us at Kyber and we will put you in touch with Tim!
Beehive Initiative
At Kyber we have a love/hate relationship with bees. Yes bees! We know that they are vital to pollination and that one out of every three bites of food we eat are made possible by these busy bees! But they also love to make their hives in columbarium niches. Unsuspecting operators open a niche door to an angry swarm. That is why we have a unique flush security door that is not only locked to prevent unauthorized access but also prevents bees and wasps from making a nest. Being (pun intended) that we are taking away a homesite, we thought we should provide bees with new homes. We now maintain our very own beehive at our home office. We plan to add more as the years go by to provide them a safe new home.
It is equally important to plant gardens that provide quality sources of food for honeybees. We are working to plant bee friendly flowers and trees outside at our facility so the bees do not have to fly so far to find pollen. Maybe consider placing hives in secluded areas in your locations! There are so many beekeeping websites to help get you started. You could even involve local schools to teach them about bees and beekeeping. It is a great way to get the community involved! We are all in this together and every little bit counts.